It's been quite a while. There's been plenty to say, but just haven't been posting. You could call it a funk, call it lazy, I call it both. Regardless, to recap the last few months in O's world.
Sandy came to town, and she's a real bitch.
We were lucky, we only were without power for 12 days and went to PA to stay with Aunt Daneen and Co., who have a generator.
Yay! for hot showers.
Boo! for the regression that came over the boy after those 12 days were up. In short, those 12 days rocked the little man's world. I have never seen anything like this before with him--something that really shook him to the core and made him regress. "Bye Bye" left our vocabulary for a while, and Ms. Voula of Village School Fame worked her ass off to get it out of him and Ms. Sarah of the famed Blondetourage has worked equally hard helping him to maintain it. He was stimmy x 100, and hand licking returned.
Yep, handlicking. It's disgusting and needs no further explanation.
Halloween?? That never happened. O's not big on costumes though I had a really cute one picked out and ready. He doesn't really get the Halloween = Free candy deal and to go door to door and try prompting, etc and working on the social experience when peoples houses were destroyed and many people were just getting home like us after being without electricity for so long--- Not worth it. So we skipped.
Then, just when I was thinking about updating the blog-- Sandy Hook happened. No, we weren't "directly" affected by it, but many of the kids who were killed that day had Autism or Special Needs. One in particular stuck out in my mind for many days. Dylan Hockley. He was 6, had Autism and was non verbal. He also had a 1:1 monitor named Anne Marie Murphy who also passed away that December day. Dylan LOVED Mrs. Murphy just like Owen loves Ms. Susan, Ms. Penny and all the other ladies of Rm 18. Ann Marie and Dylan were found together. That was all I could think about and still chokes me up. People don't realize the bond that is formed in the classroom between students and staff and forget private therapists. It's amazing. Sometimes it's like Elvis has entered the building when Owen sees his therapists at Abilities in Action. Special Strides? He starts yelling and clapping his hands from the minute we hit the gates of the farm.
So, again, no blog update..
Things haven't stopped for us though! I've been all things O and working with him in between shuttling him to therapies. He's doing amazing. He is amazing, and I'm lucky to be his Mom.
So, there's our update. More fun to come.