Monday, February 22, 2010

The Dentist!

Owen went to the dentist today, and he did

We took him to Kidzdent in Old Bridge. I had heard great things about their practice and they lived up to my expectations. is where you can go to find out more about their practice. I loved that they had a Special Needs Center that caters to children on the Autism Spectrum.

First off, Owen LOVED the waiting room! It was a big playground and he made himself at home as shown...

We only waited about 10 minutes and we were called by the hygenist, Karina. She took us right back to the room and Owen climbed right into the chair and started playing in the mirror and holding his car up! Shocked, would be to put it mildly but really, really happy about it.

Then, she got started and he was a champ. She showed him all the instruments, including Mr. Tickly the toothbrush and Mr. Drinky and he was fine. He only cried a tiny bit at the end when she brushed his teeth with the regular toothbrush that he gets at home all the time. Go Figure.

His teeth are healthy, clean and no cavities to be seen! His teeth are crowded so the dentist said we should prepare for braces.. Oh Joy.

Then, at the end, he got to pick his prize, but didn't have an interest so we gave him a sticker. He was, as usual, awesome.


Uncle Brian said...

A sticker? I have to have a chat with this boy about picking free toys!

Unknown said...

Hahaha... in the last picture Rich looks waaaaay too interested in the toy selection!

Rich said...

Jay, the toy selection at the dentist these days kinda sucks.