Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Project Lifesaver - Day 1

Today was the day!

We received our bracelet today, and it was hard.      When I saw Owen's reaction it broke my heart.  He didn't understand why this woman was trying to put a "watch" on him, he didn't want it that was final.

He cried, screamed, pinched and screamed NO and GO in both mine and the nice Sheriff's face.

Not Fun.

He cried.

And cried.

And cried.

Then he seemed to be "resolved" to it. He wasn't turning his hand purple like he did the 1st 5 minutes it was on his wrist, and he was whistling.  -- GOOD sign for our little man.    I scheduled the bracelet to come on a Wednesday because I thought if he could go to horseback riding afterwards it might help to distract him--and it did.    After riding and a successful poop on the potty at the farm (Woo!!), I took him to out to eat and for a quick visit to see Daddy at work.  I was thinking that if I kept him out, he'd be distracted and not focusing on it.  It seems to be working so far.

I will truly consider Day 1 a success if I don't wake up to a little boy in my face saying "off".  :)

I also think that they should tell Parents a few things:

1)  Have both parents home.   I knew Owen would be mad, but I didn't anticipate this.  I think if we were both home maybe he wouldn't have freaked SO badly and we could have gotten it on him sooner if we had another set of hands.

2)  The material! It's a hard plastic, and it's not so "featherweight" as they make it seem.  They put one on me so I could see what it was like and I'm worried about Summer. I'm worried about him sweating.   They said I can change the band if I can find something that fits the device on correctly and Owen can't remove.  If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears.

3)  Get yourself a watch.  Even if you wear a watch, buy a different one and have the Sheriff put it on you.  I am currently wearing a busted black watch that I had in a drawer that I luckily found while packing to move. Sheriff Debbie was more than happy to put a watch on Mommy and gave us both a lollipop that I had slipped her while Owen was melting down.     When I got my watch put on, Owen was having a fit but he stopped and stared and my wrist.  Yes, he went back to screaming, but he looked.  Point Made.

4) Ask for extra bands.  They have plenty when they come!   If Houdini aka Owen gets his off, I have 2 more to put on before they come back to change the battery.

He's also been checking my wrist to make sure I'm wearing mine.  :)

It was a hard day for both of us, but it was a lot less hard than if God Forbid something happens to my little man.

Fingers Crossed for Day 2!