Friday, February 26, 2010

A Tumble, A Sprinkle and A Toss!

Owen loves to rough play. Throw him around, give him a piggyback ride, tight hugs and all is well in Owenland. I've been working on teaching him to do a tumblesault for, I don't know... forever. :) I usually bring him in the bedroom, put him in the position and just flip him over. And Over. And Over. Well, it worked, because he finally did it, and I as usual, missed it. I was in the shower washing off the stink from going to the gym, and he just decided he was going to do it for Daddy. Rich being awesome though, grabbed the camera and got action shots!

Then, we had a sprinkling of pee on the potty at school! This is huge! He's been sitting on the potty for a bit now, loves to flush, and really loves to rip his diaper off with poop in it so we're all anxious for the potty days to be here! He apparently didn't think a thing about it and was nonplussed about the fuss they made about him doing the deed. Hopefully, peepee days are here!

We've also achieved playing with our Bean Bag Toss. Santa brought us one that we set up during the first Snowmaggedon of 2010 and we've been playing with it but with not too much success. I don't know if he just didn't give a crap or finally got it, but now we're a bean bag tossing champ with much success!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Dentist!

Owen went to the dentist today, and he did

We took him to Kidzdent in Old Bridge. I had heard great things about their practice and they lived up to my expectations. is where you can go to find out more about their practice. I loved that they had a Special Needs Center that caters to children on the Autism Spectrum.

First off, Owen LOVED the waiting room! It was a big playground and he made himself at home as shown...

We only waited about 10 minutes and we were called by the hygenist, Karina. She took us right back to the room and Owen climbed right into the chair and started playing in the mirror and holding his car up! Shocked, would be to put it mildly but really, really happy about it.

Then, she got started and he was a champ. She showed him all the instruments, including Mr. Tickly the toothbrush and Mr. Drinky and he was fine. He only cried a tiny bit at the end when she brushed his teeth with the regular toothbrush that he gets at home all the time. Go Figure.

His teeth are healthy, clean and no cavities to be seen! His teeth are crowded so the dentist said we should prepare for braces.. Oh Joy.

Then, at the end, he got to pick his prize, but didn't have an interest so we gave him a sticker. He was, as usual, awesome.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

This post is brought to you today by the number Four and The USPS

We've had a few more words. First up-- The number Four. Or Fou-ah as Owen called it. He yelled it out when we were climbing stairs. I guess the constant counting up and down has been sinking in a bit...

Then, he said HI! Our neighbor was outside and we were chatting. He bent down to say Hi to Owen and he replied back. It was so cute and I could have cried.

He also went to an assembly at school about the Post Office and apparently loved it. This just cracks me up!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chasing, Following Directions, and some WORDS!

We've been busy, and it's a good thing.

First up-- Chase! We've begun chasing. We run and he follows and when we say "uh oh, are you going to get Mommy, or Daddy?" He laughs and runs faster. It's adorable, appropriate and a good workout.

Following Directions-- We're doing REALLY well with this. He understands SO much. Go to the bathtub, let's change your diaper, time to go bye bye. He's just following so much, it's sometimes like having a different kid.

WORDS-- We're hearing a lot of different sounds, babbling, jabbering and occasionally some words. They are really mushy, but since we are always on the lookout for them, we tend to pick up on them where other people may not. For example- Every time we go up and down the stairs, we count. We've heard a mushy seven, eight, and two all on different days. We've had some semi-consistent Bye Bye which is "Buh Buh". Tonight, during his nightly "i want a cookie, i don't care that i have brushed my teeth" fit Rich and I both heard him say "I want it". We were both in other rooms and we both said "Did he say that?" We're also hearing a consistency in his babble. He's saying a lot of the same things, like he's trying to say something. It's exciting, but frustrated at times because he really wants to communicate and we're all so ready for him to break through..

Last but not least-- POTTY TRAINING!

Yup, we're in the beginning stages. Owen has always been happy to sit in poop and pee. Never bothered him at all. We've had a few cases of diapers being ripped off immediately after poop and pee, being led by the hand requesting a diaper change and he's wanting privacy when doing his business. So, we've been sitting him on the potty and he's having fun. Flushing the toilet is just Comedy Gold in his book but nothing has been done, yet. They've also started the Toilet Readiness Program at school with him. He's sitting on the potty there as well and wearing Pull Ups. He's feeling like a big boy and loving it, but still hasn't done anything at school either. I'm sure he'll go on the Potty at school first. So, we're starting the gentle push. We'll see what happens...