Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Someday it just might.

Report from Miss Beth:

RE: Gross Motor Imitation Direction "Do This"

Owen is too busy trying to flirt his way out of these to actually do them. He seems to have forgotten that flirting isn't going to get him out of work.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 2! The Week in Review...

Monday, 9/21

Today I had LIBRARY! and I got to check out a book. Pictures to follow...

Owen wet through his clothes today but he did really nice following directions!

Today I played in the toy area!

Tuesday, 9/22

Today I had Speech, OT and PT-- I was busy!

I also wet through my clothes again today. We are going to change him earlier in the morning to try and fix this problem.

Today I played in the block area!

Wednesday, 9/23

Today I had Speech, and boy I wasn't happy with Ms. Vuola, but I did very well.

I also did a great job at Gym Class and very good listening at Circle Time.

I also played in the toy area, book area and computer area!

After school I had Hippotherapy and did really well. Photos are coming!

Thursday, 9/24

I think that Owen thinks Miss Beth is crazy during circle. I just laugh at her.

Today I had OT and PT and played in the block area

Friday, 9/25

Today I had Speech and OT. I also played like a superstar during Intergrated Recess and got a WOW certificate. My 1st one. Go Owen.

I also played in the toy area!

Monday, September 21, 2009

School has started!

and Owen is doing great! The week in review so far!

Notes from Miss Beth:

First Day 9/15

--had a little bit of a rough start, but did a nice job with my PECs book and everyone noticed how much babbling I was doing. I didn't say any words, but lots of sound.

Today I played in the toy and block areas


--had a much better adjustment this am! Like I never left.

Today I played in the art and book areas


I keep laughing at Miss Beth during Circle Time. I keep laughing at her. I also did a great job with my PECs today

Today I played in the toy and sand/water areas

I also went to PT today. My 1st session with Miss Susan. She said I made a big improvement and I did my "homework" over Summer and got big and strong!


--worked very well with Miss Beth this morning! She was very pleased.

Today I played in the toy area

Overall, a great 1st week!

For those who aren't aware-- PECs is actually Picture Exchange Communication. Many kids use this to talk when they don't have the words. It involves being shown photos and actually having to remove the photo from a book and bring it to a teacher or parent to show what they want. Owen is in the 1st stages of this book and is doing just awesome!

The only downside-- Crappy 1st day photos. Someone wasn't very cooperative. :(

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I see you!

We've rediscovered the joy of Peek A Boo!
Now, I have to cover his face with my hands and then he yells and laughs.

It's too cute, and I just love it.

Also, I've attached a clip of him clapping--Hopefully this works!

My new favorite quote...

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." ~Dr. Seuss

A girl I went to high school with posted this on Facebook. I just love it.